E-COMMERCE FULFILLMENT That eliminates all duties from your goods


How does it works? OUR 4 STEP PROCESS

We <b class="c-blue">receive</b> & store your products at our fulfillment center.

We receive & store your products at our fulfillment center.

We <b class="c-blue">receive</b> and process your orders.

We receive and process your orders.

Orders are <b class="c-blue">packed</b> using predefined guidelines or custom packaging.

Orders are packed using predefined guidelines or custom packaging.

We suggest the best <b class="c-blue">shipping</b> method using our discounted rates.

We suggest the best shipping method using our discounted rates.

We pick up your goods at ANY PORT OF ENTRY

We pick up your goods at

Long Beach, CA Port

We bring your goods in-bond to avoid duties and ship to our 3PL in Tijuana.

We pick up your goods at

Ensenada, MX Port

We do a temporary import through Ensenada and then transport the goods to our 3PL.

We connect to any platform E-Commerce Platform or Marketplace

  • We receive e-order from customer through EDI connection in our system.
We connect to any platform

Our WMS receives orders, executes the pick, pack and shipping process.

A fast solution for you business

Orders are shipped daily in bulk to the US.
Anywhere in 1-5 days

A fast solution for you business IN UNDER 18 HOURS

  • An order is placed
  • The order is received
  • Picked & packed
  • Imported to the US
  • Delivered to your preferred carrier’s network in the US and ships to your final customer.
contact us
A fast solution for you business

Orders are shipped daily in bulk to the US.
Anywhere in 1-5 days

Additional services REVERSE LOGISTICS

<b class="c-blue x:fs-20">Inspection</b>


<b class="c-blue x:fs-20">Repackaging</b>


<b class="c-blue x:fs-20">Remanufacturing</b>


<b class="c-blue x:fs-20">Recycling</b>


e-Fulfillment from Mexico not only eliminates your duties, it also reduces your
fulfillment costs
due to savings on labor & real estate.


Companies that are currently working under this program in Tijuana.

Amazon Amazon
Kyocera Kyocera
Bose Bose
Taylor Made Taylor Made
Samsung Samsung
Walmart Walmart
Flex Flex
Eaton Eaton
Joybird Joybird
Hyundai Hyundai
Speck Speck
Toyota Toyota

Get a custom quote CONTACT US